Jul 27, 2020
The U.S. Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security act provided $2 Trillion in aid. Let’s talk about how much money $2 Trillion. If you spent $1 Million per a day from the time Jesus died until now (1 A.D. – 2020 A.D.), you would have spent about $737 Billion. Double that and you still aren’t […]
Dec 12, 2018
My husband and I kind of psycho out this time of year. I would like to say it is on fun things like Christmas decorating or presents or other fun things… NOPE. We are total nerds. We go nuts on end-of-year planning, and, worse, on next-year-budget planning. I am going to spend the next few […]
Dec 5, 2018
It is December and everyone is going nuts. If you are like me you avoid the malls (any and all kinds strip, indoor, outdoor, whatever) like crazy. Just the parking lot is a war zone, so that means a TON of online shopping. It is sort of like Christmas twice! Once when it comes to […]
Oct 30, 2018
Two weekends ago, I was out of town for a few days at a conference, then last weekend I was on a Church Retreat with my husband. This is rare. I never leave, but for some strange reason I was gone two weekends in a row. In between, husband was traveling (per usual), I put […]
Sep 1, 2018
I just finished reading “Identity Theft Alert” by Steve Weisman. It was kind of a crazy read and if you want to make yourself SUPER paranoid, I highly suggest it. Besides coming to the conclusion that my identity is probably already in the hands of terrorists that are currently building their bank accounts $2.80 at […]