Sep 23, 2019
Last week I defined the main 3 documents created to complete your Estate Plan. This week lets pretend you are all set up. How do these documents work? 1. Last Will and Testament: When you die, your attorney will pull out this document and give it to the executor (remember the boss of the will), […]
Sep 18, 2019
Last week I told you there were more documents in your estate plan than just a will. This week, I want to explain some of these documents to you. 1. Last Will and Testament: Let’s start with the one everyone knows. You have heard of a will. This is the document that tells the probate […]
Sep 10, 2019
Why am I glad this summer is over? Probably not the reasons you think. Yes, I am glad the kids are back in school and I am ready for cooler weather, but this summer for us was filled with loss and sickness. Partly, we are at that age, where grandparents, and some parents are passing […]
Aug 28, 2019
The next line in this is “In numbers too big to ignore”! As empowering as this song is, so is a recent Wall Street Journal article, “Clients Want to Work With Female Advisers, and Firms Are Taking Notice.” I found this interesting for a few reasons. Primarily, because after being a woman in finance, I […]
May 17, 2019
April was Henry’s Birthday. I had a whole plan for an Avengers theme, and I needed balloons. Personally, I do not like balloons. They cause my kids to fight, they are loud when they pop, and they clutter the house. I know…Birthday BLASPHEMY! My boys on the other hand LOVE them. Like a good mom, […]
Apr 19, 2019
I feel like I hear all the time, “Well, I graduated school, I have a job, I think I am ready to buy a house.” Are you? Should you? We own our home and we have had a YEAR! A little background on our home. We bought it brand new 6.5 years ago. We were […]
Jan 8, 2019
New Year’s Resolutions, I simultaneously LOVE and HATE them. I love a New Year, it is fresh, a New Start. New Year, New You, all of that. But you are still YOU. You have to start with what you have. If you have been sitting on the couch eating potato chips for the last 10 […]
Dec 12, 2018
My husband and I kind of psycho out this time of year. I would like to say it is on fun things like Christmas decorating or presents or other fun things… NOPE. We are total nerds. We go nuts on end-of-year planning, and, worse, on next-year-budget planning. I am going to spend the next few […]
Dec 5, 2018
It is December and everyone is going nuts. If you are like me you avoid the malls (any and all kinds strip, indoor, outdoor, whatever) like crazy. Just the parking lot is a war zone, so that means a TON of online shopping. It is sort of like Christmas twice! Once when it comes to […]
Dec 3, 2018
My husband spoiled me and took me to Elton John on Saturday. E.J. is currently on his “Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour” and sold out the State Farm Arena both Friday and Saturday. He has been at this whole music thing over 50 years and still at the TOP of his game. I can’t imagine […]