Aug 28, 2020
I want to chat about President Trump’s “Executive Orders” that he signed August 8, 2020, because Congress could not agree on the next Economic Relief Act. I have Executive Orders in quotes, because there were 4, but only 1 was an Executive Order. 3 were merely memorandums which are not as strong as an Executive […]
Aug 26, 2020
Why can’t the Democrats and the Republicans come to an agreement on the next relief package? As usual, everything is politicized. The difference between the Republican HEALS act and the Democrat’s Pandemic Relief Proposal is $2 Trillion and much of the distribution of funds within these bills is radically different. Here is a chart to help understand […]
Jul 27, 2020
The U.S. Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security act provided $2 Trillion in aid. Let’s talk about how much money $2 Trillion. If you spent $1 Million per a day from the time Jesus died until now (1 A.D. – 2020 A.D.), you would have spent about $737 Billion. Double that and you still aren’t […]
Jul 24, 2020
I feel like I have spent a lot of time worrying about local businesses like restaurants and stores, but every aspect of our society is being affected by this pandemic. Hospitals are over run by non revenue generating patients. Almost all gas stations are independently owned, and if people aren’t driving, then they don’t need […]
May 17, 2019
April was Henry’s Birthday. I had a whole plan for an Avengers theme, and I needed balloons. Personally, I do not like balloons. They cause my kids to fight, they are loud when they pop, and they clutter the house. I know…Birthday BLASPHEMY! My boys on the other hand LOVE them. Like a good mom, […]
Jan 8, 2019
New Year’s Resolutions, I simultaneously LOVE and HATE them. I love a New Year, it is fresh, a New Start. New Year, New You, all of that. But you are still YOU. You have to start with what you have. If you have been sitting on the couch eating potato chips for the last 10 […]
Dec 3, 2018
My husband spoiled me and took me to Elton John on Saturday. E.J. is currently on his “Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour” and sold out the State Farm Arena both Friday and Saturday. He has been at this whole music thing over 50 years and still at the TOP of his game. I can’t imagine […]
Oct 30, 2018
Two weekends ago, I was out of town for a few days at a conference, then last weekend I was on a Church Retreat with my husband. This is rare. I never leave, but for some strange reason I was gone two weekends in a row. In between, husband was traveling (per usual), I put […]
Aug 2, 2018
If you are like me, you grew up on Flintstone Vitamins. I searched my 8 year old butt off for a Pebbles or a Bam Bam. Listen, anyone could find a Wilma, but a Pebbles was a serious win. Plus those bad boys were delicious. I would sneak extras. Guess what? One of the primary [...]
Jul 19, 2018
This is a picture of Papa (My husband's grandfather), my mother- in-law, my husband, and my son. GENETICS IS REAL PEOPLE. My entire pregnancy I joked that the baby may not be his. God has an even better sense of humor than I do. Papa lived to be 93 years old, got up every day, [...]