Feb 19, 2021
Judged by the generation above, and now below, Millennial is said like a curse word, usual followed by an eye roll. I was born in 1981, so I don’t like to consider myself a Millennial. I am right on the cusp. I don’t think I have a lot of Millennial stereotypical attributes? Here are the […]
Feb 17, 2021
We are refinancing! After watching the mortgage rates decline, since the beginning of COVID last year, we finally hit our sweet spot which for us was 15 year mortgage at 2.25%. Our previous mortgage was a 30 yr at 3.25%. We purchased our home at a great price in 2012 and received an incredible rate […]
Aug 28, 2020
I want to chat about President Trump’s “Executive Orders” that he signed August 8, 2020, because Congress could not agree on the next Economic Relief Act. I have Executive Orders in quotes, because there were 4, but only 1 was an Executive Order. 3 were merely memorandums which are not as strong as an Executive […]
Aug 26, 2020
Why can’t the Democrats and the Republicans come to an agreement on the next relief package? As usual, everything is politicized. The difference between the Republican HEALS act and the Democrat’s Pandemic Relief Proposal is $2 Trillion and much of the distribution of funds within these bills is radically different. Here is a chart to help understand […]
Jul 27, 2020
The U.S. Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security act provided $2 Trillion in aid. Let’s talk about how much money $2 Trillion. If you spent $1 Million per a day from the time Jesus died until now (1 A.D. – 2020 A.D.), you would have spent about $737 Billion. Double that and you still aren’t […]
Feb 12, 2020
I have been SUPER frustrated for the last month. Around Christmas our washing machine broke. The clothes came out soaking wet. Not normal washing machine wet, like able to squeeze a full glass of water out of a baby sock wet. Right after New Years we called the only “certified” company recommended by our brand […]
Nov 26, 2019
If you saw my previous post, you know I don’t do Black Friday, but I do have pretty awful FOMO about it. Curious about its origins, I delved deeper into its history. I always believed that it was called Black Friday, because most of the year the stores are in the red (running at a […]
Nov 20, 2019
Confession: I do not Black Friday Shop. I don’t want to get up early to stand in the cold, and when they changed it to many stores opening Thanksgiving Day, I was even less interested in ditching the family to run to Target. I am not able to get myself together enough to check deals, […]
May 17, 2019
April was Henry’s Birthday. I had a whole plan for an Avengers theme, and I needed balloons. Personally, I do not like balloons. They cause my kids to fight, they are loud when they pop, and they clutter the house. I know…Birthday BLASPHEMY! My boys on the other hand LOVE them. Like a good mom, […]
Apr 19, 2019
I feel like I hear all the time, “Well, I graduated school, I have a job, I think I am ready to buy a house.” Are you? Should you? We own our home and we have had a YEAR! A little background on our home. We bought it brand new 6.5 years ago. We were […]